Monday, July 26, 2010

Tool #11 Reflections

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.

Some of my favorite tools include Digital Storytelling.  I look forward to using this to share special times with my class.  I've always wanted to use this as a way to show the parents and the kids all that they have learned throughout the year.  I want the kids to create real life stories which will definitely tie in well with writer's workshop.  I am also going to enjoy using tool #3 the generators and mashups.  I love wordle, bookr, image chef, and Flickr.  The kids are going to enjoy exploring these.
2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom?
I can see how technology is a huge part of being a 21st century learner.  I have learned so much in writing this blog. I am glad for the experience even though it took me a while to get started.  I'm excited to get started with my class and show them the great technology we will be using in our classroom. 
3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I'm surprised that I'm almost finished with my 11 tools.  No, I'm surprised that the more tools I completed, the more I enjoyed what I had just learned.  I realize there will be some glitches along the way but I know they can be worked out with time.  I found so many cool ways to get creative with technology and I can actually use these to teach in all subjects.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tool # 11 Practicing good digital citizenship

Discuss at least three things you would want to make sure your students understand about being good digital citizens. Explain briefly how you would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to your

1. Safety and Security- I think kids do need to know that passwords should be private and not shared. They need to know to tell their parents/teacher if they see something that upsets them. Even though some websites look interesting and fun, they do need to check before visiting. I did find this great website to show our kids before starting our new technology. It suggests viewing as a class and could be downloaded at home as well free. I loved it!

2. Digital etiquette- I think kids need to understand what is said in text or social situations might be misunderstood or seen by others. I think they need learn to be respectful to each other as well. But of course, we must model proper digital etiquette ourselves. They must always be nice to people they talk to on the internet. Being mean is not COOL!

3. Digital Literacy- I think our children need know when and how to use technology. They need to be instructed on appropriate and inappropriate uses. I think this is vital for our kids to get the most out what we are trying to teach them.

I believe with all of the technology coming into our schools, we as teachers have a responsibility to teach students to use technology in a responsible manner.

I did find these great contracts/pledges for kids and parents:

Tool #10 Mobile Technology and Apps

1. Discuss free educational apps you reviewed.

I love the word "apps". itouch apps can be so much fun and funny!

I did enjoy looking for various apps and here are a few I plan to use:
Math drills lite and Read me stories-children's books.
The math app went from addition to division. It tracked students progress with accuracy and speed graphs. Second graders need to know their addition and subtraction math facts before going into 3rd grade.
The reading stories teaches new words and new concepts.

2. Discuss ways your students could use the iTouch or iPad and appropriate apps in your class.
I plan to use these in small groups during reading instruction. There are sight word apps and this could be used in a stations as well. This is really going to motivate the kids to keep them interested in the lessons. You can't go wrong with this piece of technology. I love that there are so many free apps.

Tool #9 Sharing Information through Jing and Skype

Jing- I can see how Jing would be very helpful. It could be used in the classroom when explaining stations to my class. I'm thinking it will be enough to show this Jing video instead of repeating instructions. It seems that kids could even record themselves working on a specific problem, giving a report, or even narrating a story.

Skype- This seems it would help share information online. Students would be able to chat with kids from other schools and even states. I love the idea of possibly meeting authors and a chance to share our love for books.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tool # 8 Using Video Resources

Water Cycle Song

I found this on Discovery Education with United Streaming. In second grade we study weather and I think the kids really enjoy learning so much more with videos and songs. Yea! A little corny but to the point.

This video I found on Youtube. It shows great monuments in Washington D.C. I need to find more video monuments because we study these as well in Social Studies.

Tool # 7 Digital Storytelling

Making this photostory was really fun. It was easy too, surprising for me :) This video is just various pictures taken from my son's BarMitzvah this summer. However, I did have problems uploading this onto my blog. Thanks to Mario for his help!
I would love to have my students create stories, even in social studies or science about something they have learned. I'm hoping finding the right pictures will be just as easy.